Our Clout is Growing! Let’s Use it!

Let politicians at every level know that logic, science, and values unrelated to religion truly matter to voters! Celebrate at Reason Rally 2016, then go home and vote — in every election, from school board to president — for those who support these values.

There’s a sea change underway in religious affiliation in the U.S. The number of people who don’t identify with a religion is on the rise. A 2015 Gallup poll found a decline in the number of Americans who consider themselves Christian. That was matched by a rise in those who aren’t religiously affiliated.

Gallup found that from 2008 to 2015, the number of American adults who consider themselves Christian fell five percentage points to 75%, while those with no formal religious identification rose to 20%, up five percentage points. In addition, the poll found the lowest level of Christian adherence among the young, signalling a continued trend away from religion for the U.S. population.

The poll also corroborated a study conducted earlier in 2015 by the Pew Research Center, which found a dip in American religiosity and a sharp rise among the religiously unaffiliated, or “nones.”

What does this mean for Reason Rally 2016 and its supporters? Our clout is growing! We are gaining backers and people who share our outlook.

Now we need to show our strength. We truly can influence the path America takes in public policy, from education to civil liberties. But, to achieve this, we must vote as a bloc, using the power we have gained.

Make your secular voice heard:

  • Come to Reason Rally 2016 in June.

  • Take part in Advocacy Day. Meet your congress members and tell them your vote counts.

  • Register to vote and go to the polls for every election, even school board and water district. Local elections dictate which textbooks will be used in