Speak Up for Reason!

The Reason Rally Coalition is a not-for-profit organization whose mission is to hold large events in celebration of atheist, humanist, and secular identity and to demonstrate the power of the secular voting bloc. We support fact-driven public policy, the value of critical thinking, and the voting power of secular Americans.

Showing Our Presence

The goal of the Reason Rally is to showcase the presence and power of the nonreligious voting bloc, and to demand that reason be put at the forefront of our public and political discourse. We excite and empower attendees about that message so they take it back home and apply it at the local and state levels.

Celebrating Secularism

Not only are we celebrating our secular, atheist, agnostic, humanist, freethinking, and nonreligious identities, we are preparing to exercise our power at the voting box to bring good sense back to government. But the Reason Rally is first and foremost a celebration — with awesome speakers, bands, entertainment, and political leaders — all there to celebrate and support the secular community.

It’s important for us as a community to just come together, be among like-minded folks, and celebrate who we are and what we’ve accomplished. We call it a “voting bloc party” because we want to capture that feeling of community and celebration alongside the strong message of growing political influence.

The Future of the Reason Rally Coalition

The board of directors of the Reason Rally Coalition is currently discussing the plans for future Reason Rally events. To stay informed of our plans, follow us on Twitter or like our Facebook page. We hope to see you at the next Rally!

Reason Rally Coalition Board of Directors

Kelly Damerow

President of Reason Rally
Representing Secular Coalition for America

David Silverman

Vice President of Reason Rally
Representing American Atheists

David Tamayo

Vice President of Reason Rally
Member at Large

Debbie Allen

Secretary of Reason Rally
Member at Large

Phil Ferguson

Treasurer of Reason Rally
Ex-Officio Member

Robyn Blumner

Representing the Richard Dawkins Foundation for Reason & Science

David Diskin

Member at Large

Margaret Downey

Member at Large

Annie Laurie Gaylor & Dan Barker

Representing the Freedom From Religion Foundation

Sarah Haider

Member at Large

Ron Lindsay

Representing the Center for Inquiry

Samantha McGuire

Member at Large

Roy Speckhardt

Representing the American Humanist Association

Mandisa Thomas

Member at Large