Reason Rally PRO-Tips

Some quick tips regarding the rally:

  1. Arrive early for a good spot, like 9:00 AM.
  2. Wear a hat and bring sunscreen.
  3. Pack your lunch and a snack to eat and bring them with you.
  4. Bring Handi-wipes or other sanitary hand-washing items.
  5. Pack enough water to last all day.
  6. Wear comfortable shoes, because you’ll probably be standing the whole time.
  7. Bring a folding chair or a new, clean trash bag to sit on, if you do want to sit down (and to help clean up after the event).
  8. Wet weather gear, just in case.

Remember that certain things are not allowed at the National Mall; do not bring sticks or poles to hold signs, alcoholic beverages, glass containers, commercial signs/sales, or weapons (except your brain, of course).

For more information like this, check out our FAQ page and stay tuned as we are preparing lots more helpful information.
